Hillsong UNITED - I Will Rise Lyrics

I Will Rise Lyrics

Precious blood has left me forgiven
Pure like the whitest of snow
Powerful to make sin and shame retreat
This covenant is making me whole

So I will rise and lift my head
For by His mercy my life was spared 
The highest Name has set me free
Because of Jesus
My heart is clean

Purify my heart in Your presence
Teach me to discover the joy
Of holiness that forms as You draw me close
In You what was lost is restored

I Will Rise Video

I Will Rise Song Meaning, Biblical Reference and Inspiration

I Will Rise by Hillsong UNITED is a powerful Christian worship song that has touched the hearts of millions of believers around the world. It is a song of hope, faith, and the promise of resurrection. The lyrics of I Will Rise speak of the transforming power of God's love and the assurance that we have in Christ, knowing that even in the darkest of times, we can rise with Him.

The inspiration behind the song can be traced back to the biblical story of Lazarus, who was raised from the dead by Jesus Christ. The lyrics of I Will Rise reflect this story, as they speak of the power of Christ's resurrection and how it gives us hope for our own future resurrection. The song also draws from other biblical references, such as 1 Corinthians 15:55-57, which speaks of the victory that we have in Christ over sin and death.

The lyrics of I Will Rise are a powerful testimony to the hope and assurance that we have as Christians. They remind us that no matter what we face in this life, we have the promise of eternal life with Christ. The song begins with the words, "Precious blood has left me forgiven, pure like the whitest of snow." This line speaks of the transformative power of Christ's sacrifice on the cross, which has made us pure and holy in God's sight.

The chorus of I Will Rise is perhaps the most well-known part of the song. It proclaims the hope and victory that we have in Christ, saying, "So I will rise and lift my head, for by His mercy my life was spared. The highest Name has set me free, because of Jesus my heart is clean." These words remind us that it is only through Christ that we have the hope of salvation and eternal life.

The second verse of the song speaks of the need for holiness in our lives. It says, "Purify my heart in Your presence, teach me to discover the joy of holiness that forms as You draw me close." This verse reminds us that as we draw closer to God, we are transformed and made holy. It is through this process of sanctification that we are prepared for the glory of resurrection and eternal life.

The bridge of I Will Rise is a powerful declaration of faith and hope. It says, "And I hear the voice of many angels sing, 'Worthy is the Lamb.' And I hear the cry of every longing heart, 'Worthy is the Lamb.'" These words remind us that Christ is worthy of all honor and glory, and that our hope for eternal life rests in Him alone.

Overall, the lyrics of I Will Rise are a powerful testimony to the hope and assurance that we have as Christians. They remind us that even in the darkest of times, we can have faith in Christ and the promise of resurrection. The song is a beautiful expression of worship and praise, and has touched the hearts of countless believers around the world.

Practical Application of the Song to Christian Living

As Christians, the message of I Will Rise is one that we should take to heart and apply to our daily lives. The song reminds us of the hope and assurance that we have in Christ, and the promise of eternal life that is ours through Him. This message should fill us with joy and peace, and inspire us to live lives that are worthy of our calling as followers of Christ.

One practical application of the song is to focus on the transformative power of Christ's sacrifice. As the first line of the song says, "Precious blood has left me forgiven, pure like the whitest of snow." This line reminds us that it is only through Christ's sacrifice on the cross that we are made pure and holy in God's sight. We should strive to live lives that reflect this reality, seeking to be holy and pure in all that we do.

Another practical application of the song is to focus on the hope and assurance that we have in Christ. The chorus of I Will Rise proclaims this truth, saying, "So I will rise and lift my head, for by His mercy my life was spared. The highest Name has set me free, because of Jesus my heart is clean." We should cling to this hope, especially in times of trial and difficulty. We can have faith that no matter what happens in this life, we have the promise of eternal life with Christ.

Finally, the song reminds us of the importance of worship and praise. The bridge of I Will Rise speaks of the angels and the longing hearts of believers singing, "Worthy is the Lamb." We too should join in this chorus of worship and praise, giving honor and glory to Christ in all that we do. Whether through song, prayer, or service, we should seek to live lives that are a testimony to the transformative power of Christ's love and the hope of resurrection that we have in Him.

In conclusion, I Will Rise by Hillsong UNITED is a powerful Christian worship song that speaks of the hope and assurance that we have in Christ. Its lyrics remind us of the transformative power of Christ's sacrifice, the promise of resurrection, and the importance of worship and praise in our daily lives. As we listen to and sing this song, may we be inspired to live lives that reflect the hope and assurance that we have in Christ, and to give honor and glory to Him in all that we do.

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